
What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity refers to the different ways a person’s brain processes information. It is an umbrella term used to describe alternative thinking styles such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

When it comes to inclusion, neurodiversity refers to a world where neurological differences are recognised and respected as other human variations. Instead of labelling people with ‘deficits’ or ‘disorders’, neurodiversity takes a balanced view of an individuals unique strengths and challenges.

Neurodivergent people often find some things incredibly easy, while other things difficult. Given the right tools and support, neurodivergent people are able to flourish in the workplace, maximising on their strengths as opposed to constantly trying to overcome challenges. Our workplaces are filtering out the very types of minds and skills we need for the future, and it's our mission at Lexxic to change that!

Statistics showing that an estimated 1 in 7 people suffer from a neurodiverse disease

Approximately 15% of the population are neurodiverse, representing a significant proportion of existing staff, job applicants and customers

List of the unique skills people with neurodifferences possess

Many people with neurodifferences possess unique skills. These skills vary from person to person, and organisations are missing out on a whole talent-pool of people by not taking the steps to become neuro inclusive

Theo Paphitis, Dragon from BBC's Dragon's Den

"The workplace doesn't need just one skillset or approach, and we should all recognise the value that different employees can often bring with them."

- Theo Paphitis,
Dragon from BBC’s Dragon’s Den

How Can Lexxic Help?

Lexxic is a specialist psychology consultancy. We believe that all minds belong, so it is our mission to inspire a working world that supports and values the talents of neurodivergent minds, empowering individuals to be their best
selves at work.

We partner with organisations to create neuro inclusive cultures and provide support services, so neurodivergent talent can flourish.

Our team of highly qualified psychologists provide workplace support and advice for individuals, teams and organisations. Get in touch if you would like to chat with one of our team, or find out more about the services
we can provide.

Further Resources

Take a look at our blog to learn more about neurodiversity.

Find Out About Specific Neurodifferences

Bob Lawson

Website development, training, and consulting services for nonprofit organizations and creative entrepreneurs.

It Starts with HR


DCD (Dyspraxia)